Why deconstructed coffee is awesome
We think that the Melbourne cafe that has served the deconstructed coffee has received a lot of negative attention for their creation, and we’ve had a think, it shouldn’t really be dismissed, it should be lauded!
Firstly, we are defending the coffee for it’s merits, and there are quite a few, not least because it’s another way to enjoy our favourite drink.
But let’s get the negatives out of the way first!
Why deconstructed coffee sucks
- Timing – Obviously if you were in a hurry, then it’s probably a bit of a nightmare having your coffee come in three separate containers. Frustrating even more so when you have to wait for everything to be made separately.
- Not everyone is a ‘coffee nerd’ – If you are not confident or aware of the differing types of coffee that are available, we can also see why people would be put off, a barista is paid to make and serve the finest coffee they are able. So if you receive the individual parts of a coffee, separated, we can see why this would be an annoyance for some.
- Does this coffee shop know what it’s doing? – It also doesn’t place a lot of faith in the cafe itself, instead almost stating that you can make a coffee better than we can, so you do it. We do get this point.
- Stupid fad – And finally, it might be seen as a hipster fad, serving in beakers does not help the cafe owners argument in this regard, but one of our team has drunk from a tin can whilst a student so a beaker is a huge step-up in this regard!
We understand all of those complaints. We really do.
Why deconstructed coffee is awesome
- Coffee is about individual preference – If you have the time, it’s obviously an awesome way to tailor your coffee to just how YOU like it! You no longer have to worry about whether there is too much milk, water, espresso for YOUR particular taste. Bespoke coffee AND controlled by you! How is that not awesome?
- Timing – Conversely to our point that timing is important to some, if you don’t have to worry about where you have to be, what can be better than relaxing in a coffee shop and this is obviously a drink that deserves time and care whilst enjoying. Simple really.
- Multiple options – The option of making a few different drinks. Now this might not be plausible depending on the amount of foamed milk, hot water and espresso you actually receive, but it is pretty cool if you can have a small Americano and a small latte if you wish. Almost like some coffee-style tapas.
- Changing the game – The experimentation. Now this could also be considered a negative, but we applaud Lisa Wearmouth and her team for daring to try something new with the way they serve their coffee.
Our final thought on this matter is essentially this: You buy flat pack furniture from the likes of Ikea, so how is this any different? And if that is a problem, then don’t let how someone else wants to drink their coffee upset you.
It seems even Ikea themselves can laugh about it…
More of this kind of thing please! And someone please start doing it here in the UK!