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Tamp away in style

Blue tamper

There are many steps in making the perfect espresso and one of the vital stages of this process is the tamping procedure.

Now you can tamp accurately, evenly and in style thanks to our coloured, anodized tampers.

The tamper is an essential tool in the trade. It allows the baristas to evenly apply pressure to the coffee grind, ensuring that the grinds are compacted in a uniform manner which in turn produces a better extraction.

Brand new in stock and already a popular option, these aluminium tampers are the standardised 57mm in diameter and feature an interchangeable handle so you can swap colours to suit your mood whilst retaining a good quality tamp for your espressos.

As you will know, the art of coffee deals with the passing of heated water through the grinds to extract the espresso. During the brewing process water, as a matter of fact, will always try and find the path of least resistance on its way through to your cup so getting the tamping process just right is of critical importance. If there is an uneven tamp in the group-handle through either the use of a poor quality tamper or an error on behalf of the barista, then the pressurised water will find the easiest way through the coffee, searching out ready-made channels to flow through to quickly reach your cup. The resulting drink would be poor, with the coffee disproportionately extracted.

With firm and uniformed tamping, the water is subsequently forced through all areas of the coffee in an even manner, capturing all the dazzling flavours and aromas from the beans creating a fantastic shot of espresso.

So why go for our anodized tampers?

Well, the anodizing process increases corrosion and wear resistance so that the tampers will be able to be used for longer without picking up signs of damage. First used on an industrial scale to protect duralumin seaplanes in 1923, anodizing has been used ever since to help protect a wide range of metallic products.

Available in red, blue and black varieties, these tampers will look the part and add a dash of colour to any commercial coffee shop and, the best part, they have fifty-percent off at the moment, down to a bargain price of £19.99 (ex. VAT).