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We’ve had Robocop; somebody recently created RoboChef and there’s even been a robotic canine companion in Doctor Who, but now is the time to be worried: Robobarista is here.

The robot has been developed by a research team working out of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. 

The amazing thing about this robotic creation is that it can learn semi-autonomously. 

Dubbed Robobarista by its creators it manages this incredible feat by downloading a mass of crowdsourced information from the internet, processing it and then mixing it with knowledge picked up from previous tasks. This enables it to adapt to different scenarios and circumstances, ensuring that it can easily work out how to use brand new coffee machines on its own.

Normally, robots rely on pure, programmed ‘logic’ to complete simple tasks. But not this one!

First coffee, next world domination.