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Traditional coffee machines

It’s the iconic sign of quality coffee.

You notice the smell first it’s true, thick and aromatic, right then and there, roasted and ground coffee beans as soon as you open the door.

Then you can hear it hissing and whooshing away in the background, the ‘old faithful’ whirring and gurgling. …continue reading Traditional coffee machines

Photo latte art

Do you admire the sophistication of latte art designs at good coffee shops?

The presentation of coffee has come a long way and you can expect, as a matter of course, for an attractive leaf, or heart or swirl on the froth on the top of your latte.

The coffee culture is becoming increasingly sophisticated and the barista’s job is full of craftsmanship.

…continue reading Photo latte art

Do you think coffee at work is essential?

One of the first things that many of us do in the morning is to get our caffeine fix.

Many of us cannot function without a decent cup of coffee to get us going and kickstarted into the new day.

Coffee shops are filled with queues of coffee-drinkers, anxious to complete their morning ritual before heading to their office desks.

However, how important do you think this coffee drinking routine would be if a survey was done?

…continue reading Do you think coffee at work is essential?

Coffee and food

So, when you read this title, what did you first think of?

A delicious slab of cake with your favourite cup of coffee in your local coffee shop?

Perhaps a nice chocolate cake, or a piece of flapjack?

…continue reading Coffee and food

Coffee may help the liver

There was an interesting article in Indian Express recently and it explained that research projects have indicated that coffee-drinking may aid the liver.

Of course, we are all aware that alcohol consumption (especially in excess) is not good for this body organ, but coffee is a different story.

The study was carried out by looking at almost nineteen thousand Finnish adults, between the ages of 25 and 74.

…continue reading Coffee may help the liver

The goodness in coffee

There was an interesting article in Handbag.com recently, all about the goodness in coffee.

Coffee, after all, is a global industry and is drunk in enormous quantities world-wide.

So it’s important to find out what it does to us!

There is plenty of good news.

…continue reading The goodness in coffee

Who wants to live forever?

Whether or not you would like immortality, many of us would rather like a long and happy life, wouldn’t we?

Surprisingly, there has been a study in the news recently, which discusses the relationship between coffee drinkers and life length.

Rather strangely, there have been some interesting suggestions as a result.

What were they?

…continue reading Who wants to live forever?

Liver cancer and coffee drinkers

From time to time we publish comments on research projects which seek to assess the effects of coffee-drinking on the body.

After all, the coffee industry is one of the big global industries and many of us drink a lot of the stuff over the course of our lifetimes.

It is only fair that we learn a little bit about what it does for us and also work out how it impacts on our physique.

…continue reading Liver cancer and coffee drinkers