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Capitalise on St Patrick’s Day with Irish Coffee


On Thursday and well into the weekend, throngs of people will be donning green to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day.

Officially recognised in the 17th Century, the traditional feast day started life as a simple celebration of Patrick’s work, the arrival of Christianity in Ireland and the country’s heritage and culture.

However, the event has taken on a life of its own. It is recognised as a public holiday in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador and is widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora in the United States, Australia, Argentina and the United Kingdom.

Admittedly, there is a drinking culture associated with this event. As it falls inside Lent, it is one of the only days when the traditional Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol are lifted.

However, coffee shops and cafes need not be marginalised during the festivities as quick thinking baristas and can easily add an Irish twist to their repertoire.

You could, for example, incorporate some green to your clothing for the day, or even customise your cakes and confectionaries.

But, perhaps the easiest way to capitalise upon the merriment of Saint Patrick’s Day is to offer a couple of Irish-themed drinks.

Irish Coffee

If you are in a position to serve alcohol, then no St Patrick’s Day celebration should be without an Irish coffee or two.

This perfect mix of Irish whisky and cream rose to prominence in the 1940s. Generally believed to be the brainchild of Joe Sheridan, the drink was a popularised by the travel writer Stanton Delaplane and became a fixture in bars the world over.

All you need is:

  • Cream – “As rich as an Irish brogue”
  • Coffee – “As strong as a friendly hand”
  • Sugar – “As sweet as the tongue of a rogue”
  • Whisky – “As smooth as the wit of the land”


  • Rinse a latte glass under warm water
  • Brew your espresso
  • Add the sugar and stir.
  • Add the whisky and stir once more
  • Pour in the cream over the back of a teaspoon

Irish Cream Latte

If you cannot serve alcohol for licencing reasons, then the next best thing is an Irish Cream Latte.

This guilt-free coffee is the perfect way to entice commuters in during the morning rush and add value to your usual array of speciality coffees.

All you need is:


  • Combine the syrup and the espresso
  • Pour in the milk
  • Stir and serve