
Custom branded latte glasses is an extremely cost effective way to further promote your brand and reinforce your company's identity to in-store customers.

These bespoke glasses are available in three different sizes and designs. They are

  • 8 1/2oz Tazza (pack of six)
  • 10oz V (pack of twelve)
  • 12oz Tazza (pack of six)


  • Is there a minimum order?
  • The minimum order is one box of six glasses. But hopefully you'll be needing more than six.
  • What is the average time it takes to receive my order?
  • After we've received the design and the thumbs up, it usually takes between a fortnight and a month.
  • We love them! We'd like to order some more, can we get them quicker?
  • Yes! After your initial order and subsequent ones should be with you within a week.
  • Is the cost dependant on our design?
  • No, as your branding will be etched onto glass no colours are used.